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CD: Inadibusu

Inadibusu CD - Description:

Inadibusu Reedytion
reggae, dub
Karrot Kommando, 2007

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 4.  Supamolly Vavamuffin, Inadibusu, reggae Polish Artists, CD Store on the Internet, CDs, Polish Music, Poland, pigasus, Berlin, Music Shop
 5.  Equal Rights Vavamuffin, Inadibusu, reggae Polish Artists, CD Store on the Internet, CDs, Polish Music, Poland, pigasus, Berlin, Music Shop
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 7.  Recharge (feat. Liiza) Vavamuffin, Inadibusu, reggae Polish Artists, CD Store on the Internet, CDs, Polish Music, Poland, pigasus, Berlin, Music Shop
 8.  Poland Story Vavamuffin, Inadibusu, reggae Polish Artists, CD Store on the Internet, CDs, Polish Music, Poland, pigasus, Berlin, Music Shop
 9.  Amazonian Recall Vavamuffin, Inadibusu, reggae Polish Artists, CD Store on the Internet, CDs, Polish Music, Poland, pigasus, Berlin, Music Shop
 10.  Rub Rumor Vavamuffin, Inadibusu, reggae Polish Artists, CD Store on the Internet, CDs, Polish Music, Poland, pigasus, Berlin, Music Shop
 11.  Natasha From Rush'yah Vavamuffin, Inadibusu, reggae Polish Artists, CD Store on the Internet, CDs, Polish Music, Poland, pigasus, Berlin, Music Shop
 12.  Prawda Policyjna Vavamuffin, Inadibusu, reggae Polish Artists, CD Store on the Internet, CDs, Polish Music, Poland, pigasus, Berlin, Music Shop
 13.  Baa ba (feat. Yellow Horns) Vavamuffin, Inadibusu, reggae Polish Artists, CD Store on the Internet, CDs, Polish Music, Poland, pigasus, Berlin, Music Shop
 14.  Poor People (feat. Daddy Freddy) Vavamuffin, Inadibusu, reggae Polish Artists, CD Store on the Internet, CDs, Polish Music, Poland, pigasus, Berlin, Music Shop
 15.  Dabuday Vavamuffin, Inadibusu, reggae Polish Artists, CD Store on the Internet, CDs, Polish Music, Poland, pigasus, Berlin, Music Shop
 16.  Outro by Hornsman Coyote Vavamuffin, Inadibusu, reggae Polish Artists, CD Store on the Internet, CDs, Polish Music, Poland, pigasus, Berlin, Music Shop

The result of long and exhausting work is the Album called Inadibusu, which in a very short time will see the laser light of your CD players or feel the subtle preening of your gramophone needle.

You can find 16 songs on the Album, including the intro and outro. Inadibusu was accomplished and produced by the duet and Vavamuffin in KingsTone Studio in Warsaw. The Album wouldn’t have been made if not the invaluable assistance of: LWW Studio and Mastering Brothers - Mario Activator Dziurex and Jarek Smok Smak. The Album cover was designed by Artur Dabrowolski.

Besides the band on the album you can find guests like:

    * Daddy Freddy (Jamaica)
    * Rastuch (Zdzieszowice)
    * Sis Liza (Germany)
    * The Yellow Horns (Germany)
    * Hornsman Coyote (Serbia)
    * Ania Jackowska (Warsaw)

This is probably the first Album in Poland where you can find:

    * The word Tetrahydrogastrion.
    * A very famous music publisher who sings like Michael J.
    * Olo Mothaship IS singing.
    * Vavamuffin playing one rockandroll song

So we can say that to what you know and hopefully like, the band added a bit more.

Inadibusu CD

reggae, dub
Karrot Kommando, 2007

CD Inadibusu Music listen:

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