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Alexandrov Song And Dance Enseble of the Soviet Army Best Lyric

Alexandrov Song And Dance Enseble of the Soviet Army Best Lyric

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Alexandrov Song And Dance Enseble of the Soviet Army Best Lyric

CD: Alexandrov Song And Dance Enseble of the Soviet Army Best Lyric

Alexandrov Song And Dance Enseble of the Soviet Army Best Lyric CD - Description:

Alexandrov Song And Dance Enseble of the Soviet Army
Best Lyric Songs

Melodiya Record, 2006

Check other titles by Alexandrov Song And Dance Enseble of the Soviet Army

1.  Vasya-Vasily / Vasya-Vasilek Alexandrov Song And Dance Ensemble Of The Soviet Army. Best Lyric Songs, Krasnoznamennyy imeni A. V. Aleksandrova ansambl’ pesni i plyaski Sovetskoy Armii. Luchshie liricheskie pesni
2.  The Company Was Going / Rota shla Alexandrov Song And Dance Ensemble Of The Soviet Army. Best Lyric Songs, Krasnoznamennyy imeni A. V. Aleksandrova ansambl’ pesni i plyaski Sovetskoy Armii. Luchshie liricheskie pesni
3.  The Melody / Melodiya Alexandrov Song And Dance Ensemble Of The Soviet Army. Best Lyric Songs, Krasnoznamennyy imeni A. V. Aleksandrova ansambl’ pesni i plyaski Sovetskoy Armii. Luchshie liricheskie pesni
4.  Let's Set Off / V put Alexandrov Song And Dance Ensemble Of The Soviet Army. Best Lyric Songs, Krasnoznamennyy imeni A. V. Aleksandrova ansambl’ pesni i plyaski Sovetskoy Armii. Luchshie liricheskie pesni
5.  You Are Always Beautiful! / Vsegda ty horosha Alexandrov Song And Dance Ensemble Of The Soviet Army. Best Lyric Songs, Krasnoznamennyy imeni A. V. Aleksandrova ansambl’ pesni i plyaski Sovetskoy Armii. Luchshie liricheskie pesni
6.  Before The Long Way / Pered dalnej dorogoj Alexandrov Song And Dance Ensemble Of The Soviet Army. Best Lyric Songs, Krasnoznamennyy imeni A. V. Aleksandrova ansambl’ pesni i plyaski Sovetskoy Armii. Luchshie liricheskie pesni
7.  Nightingales / Solovi Alexandrov Song And Dance Ensemble Of The Soviet Army. Best Lyric Songs, Krasnoznamennyy imeni A. V. Aleksandrova ansambl’ pesni i plyaski Sovetskoy Armii. Luchshie liricheskie pesni
8.  Swarthy Girl / Smuglyanka Alexandrov Song And Dance Ensemble Of The Soviet Army. Best Lyric Songs, Krasnoznamennyy imeni A. V. Aleksandrova ansambl’ pesni i plyaski Sovetskoy Armii. Luchshie liricheskie pesni
9.  Motherland / Rodina Alexandrov Song And Dance Ensemble Of The Soviet Army. Best Lyric Songs, Krasnoznamennyy imeni A. V. Aleksandrova ansambl’ pesni i plyaski Sovetskoy Armii. Luchshie liricheskie pesni
10.  Cranes / ZHuravli Alexandrov Song And Dance Ensemble Of The Soviet Army. Best Lyric Songs, Krasnoznamennyy imeni A. V. Aleksandrova ansambl’ pesni i plyaski Sovetskoy Armii. Luchshie liricheskie pesni
11.  I Will Ride You To The Tundra / Uvezu tebya ya v tundru Alexandrov Song And Dance Ensemble Of The Soviet Army. Best Lyric Songs, Krasnoznamennyy imeni A. V. Aleksandrova ansambl’ pesni i plyaski Sovetskoy Armii. Luchshie liricheskie pesni
12.  The Russian Field / Russkoe pole Alexandrov Song And Dance Ensemble Of The Soviet Army. Best Lyric Songs, Krasnoznamennyy imeni A. V. Aleksandrova ansambl’ pesni i plyaski Sovetskoy Armii. Luchshie liricheskie pesni
13.  There Is No Different Russia / Net Rossii drugoj Alexandrov Song And Dance Ensemble Of The Soviet Army. Best Lyric Songs, Krasnoznamennyy imeni A. V. Aleksandrova ansambl’ pesni i plyaski Sovetskoy Armii. Luchshie liricheskie pesni
14.  Basilisk Eyes / Ochi vasilkovye Alexandrov Song And Dance Ensemble Of The Soviet Army. Best Lyric Songs, Krasnoznamennyy imeni A. V. Aleksandrova ansambl’ pesni i plyaski Sovetskoy Armii. Luchshie liricheskie pesni
15.  Let's Stay Friends! / Ostanemsya druzyami Alexandrov Song And Dance Ensemble Of The Soviet Army. Best Lyric Songs, Krasnoznamennyy imeni A. V. Aleksandrova ansambl’ pesni i plyaski Sovetskoy Armii. Luchshie liricheskie pesni
16.  The Night (The Chore From The Opera "The Demon") / Nochenka (hor iz opery "Demon") Alexandrov Song And Dance Ensemble Of The Soviet Army. Best Lyric Songs, Krasnoznamennyy imeni A. V. Aleksandrova ansambl’ pesni i plyaski Sovetskoy Armii. Luchshie liricheskie pesni

Alexandrov Song And Dance Enseble of the Soviet Army Best Lyric

Alexandrov Song And Dance Enseble of the Soviet Army
Melodiya Record, 2006

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