Mitki Prazdnik russkoj aviatsii
No. M01085
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CD: Mitki Prazdnik russkoj aviatsii
Mitki Prazdnik russkoj aviatsii CD - Description:
Prazdnik russkoj aviatsiiurban folk, rock
Otdelenie Vykhod, 2001
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MitkiMitki CD Prazdnik russkoj aviatsii:
1. Prazdnik russkoj aviacii (music i text - Hvost)
2. Besedka v gorode Cherkassy (music i text - narodnye, obrabotka - D.Shagin)
3. Brod cherez nebo (music i text - K. Ter)
4. Aviator (music - Hvost, text - V. Hodasevich)
5. Proshhanie s ljubimoj (music i text - narodnye, obrabotka - D. Shagin)
6. Starinushka-starshinushka (music - V. Mihajljuk, text V. Mihajljuk, D. Shagin, K. Ter)
7. Poka ty torchish' na motorah
8. Gorodskoj bljuz (music i text - Hvost)
9. Letchik (music i text - narodnye, obrabotka - D. Shagin)
10. Serpen (music i text - K. Ter)
11. Chasy i kanva (music i text - Hvost)
12. Shturman (music i text - narodnye, obrabotka - D. Shagin)
13. Letajushhij chelovek (music - V. Mihajljuk, K. Ter, text - K. Ter, D. Shagin)
14. Davajte-ka, rebjata, zakurim pered startom (music - narodnaja, obrabotka - D.Shagin, V. Mihajljuk, text - V.Vojnovich)
Mitki Prazdnik russkoj aviatsii
urban folk, rock
Otdelenie Vykhod, 2001
CD Mitki Prazdnik russkoj aviatsii Music listen:
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